Es ist offiziell, No Man’s Sky erscheint jetzt doch erst im August. Sean Murray von Hello Games hat auch bereits eine persönliche Nachricht an die Fans des Titels gerichtet:
„Hello, Sean Murray from Hello Games here, working extremely hard on our game, No Man’s Sky.
The game really has come together, and it’s such an incredible relief. As we sit an play it now, and as I watch playtesters every day, I can finally let myself get excited. We’re actually doing this.
However, as we approached our final deadlines, we realized that some key moments needed extra polish to bring them up to our standards. I have had to make the tough choice to delay the game for a few weeks to allow us to deliver something special.
After a short delay, No Man’s Sky will launch in North America on August 9, in Europe August 10, and in the UK August 12.
We understand that this news is disappointing. Making this game is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but we are so close now, and we’re prepared to make the tough choices to get it right.
The universe of No Man’s Sky is incredibly vast. More than you can imagine. This is a type of game that hasn’t been attempted before, by a smaller team than anyone would expect, under an intense amount of expectation.
And despite all of that, development is genuinely going well. This is the hardest working, most talented team I’ve ever worked with, and I’m so proud of what we’re doing. For all our sakes though, we get one shot to make this game and we can’t mess it up.
To the loyal community who’s stuck by our side since the unveiling of No Man’s Sky years ago, we hope you’ll accept our sincere apology and I am humbly asking that you’ll still look forward to exploring our universe despite the slight delay.
Thank you so much,
Natürlich kann man verstehen, wenn hier einige Fans enttäuscht sind, aber manche Reaktionen überspannen dann doch etwas den Bogen. Wie Sean Murray selbst auf Twitter mitteilt, hat der Entwickler bereits mehrfach Morddrohungen wegen dem verschobenen Release erhalten. „Tell me when its safe to remove the marbles and oil from the stairs,“ scherzte Murray in weiteren Tweets zum Thema.